Sunday, December 6, 2009

Amy’s Challenge Cards…and a Winner.

I hope you guys don’t mind me posting your cards with links to your blogs…but the cards were so awesome. Here are the contenders in no particular order…. (if anyone minds, let me know and I will pull the picture)

By Carla (Love that star)

100_2739 w text

By Alanna (Beautiful snowflake)amy's sketch

By Laurel (Love the robot!)


By Cibele (dude, this is SO fun!)


By Pelusa (Love the glitter and the bird)

Happy Sparrow 1

By Sparkle (What a cute image)


By Kara (too cute!)

KC Horsin Around

and Kathi (Love it!)

Holiday Jingle_2_December 2009_thumb[9]

So I showed these AWESOME creations to AMY and asked her to pick her favorite. (No prompting from me) And Amy’s choice was…….”The Horsey one Mom!!! because it is hand made!!!” “Ummm Amy…they are ALL hand made” ..”I know Mom but she DREW that all by herself, and I love it!”

KARA!!! You win Amy’s Challenge …congrats. Have your Mom email me your address and we will send you your prize.

Thanks EVERYONE for playing along. You made a little girl VERY happy.


Making Creative Memories in Thyme said...

These were great cards. I think Kara did a fantastic job on her beaurtiful card! Congrats.
Kim xXx

Dawnll said...

Oh I am so thrilled to see she won! She will really be jumping for joy!
Wonderful competition I must say everyone had wonderful cards.

Cibele Glazer said...

You need to change that to you made 2 little girls very happy. Kara was jumping up and down with joy. Thanks so much for doing this Sarah. It makes my heart soar to see kids so happy.

Haley D. said...

Terrific cards! We had hoped to play along but didn't have time. Amy definitely picked a winner! :)

Krista Ritskes said...

Oh I wish I hadn't missed this one. So fun!

mE said...

These are all excellent cards! I would have a hard time picking a favorite! I love Amy's choice and her reasoning.. cute :)

INky Smiles!

Jeanne said...

You received some excellent cards and it would have been difficult to select one winner. I adore Amy's choice and her reasons for selecting it. Gotta love the happiness and joy of children!

Thanks for doing this, Sarah and Amy!

Penny said...

I can't even believe I never got one done! I feel sooo bad about it. But even though the contest is over I will still use the sketch... lol. It was a good one.

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