Sunday, November 15, 2009

Christmas Card Using CTMH’s New Glitter Rub-Ons



Well after seeing the new Art and Soul episode on CTMH TV (check out my website to see the show) I decided that I had to try the new rub-ons . I had avoided them as they looked a little complicated to use. Of course for my first try I had to use the biggest and most complicated rub on :-). After all was said and done it wasn’t too bad although if you look closely you will see some mistakes. The card is very pretty IRL. I put a CTMH glitter brad in the center and some clear sparkles around the edge. The sentiment is also a glitter rub-on. I am glad I finally used them and will do so again…though I will definitely take my time and be more careful next time.  Ohhh and sorry about the blue again.

Supplies : White Daisy CS, Dutch Blue CS, Glitter Rub-Ons, Glitter Brad, Clear sparkles all CTMH.

Here are some pics for those of you with DD’s (darling daughters) ..I finally caved and bought Amy some of those stick on nails for little girls. I got them at Wal-Mart for $4…We put them on and I warned her that they would fall off really quick so not to be disappointed. Well…..they didn’t fall off….in fact they stuck like the dickens and she just LOVED them. She did confess going to the bathroom was a challenge hee hee! Anyways, I was impressed at how well they worked. She finally pulled them off as she said they hurt. But how cute!



(ignore the chocolaty face…Amy is unable to eat anything without it taking up residence there…sigh)

Hope you are having a wonderful weekend.



Sheila Bennett said...

The large glittery snowflake looks great! I really need to watch that CTMH TV episode because I have a package of the glittery rub-ons from Leadership that I still haven't opened! Your card turned out great.

And your daughter's nails are really cute. Really surprised that the nails stayed on so well, I would have expected them to come on rather quickly too.

Nellie Mae said...

Love this!! I have a hard time using the rubons, but your card looks great to me!

Making Creative Memories in Thyme said...

Well, I think your glittery rubon is just beautiful! I love the simplicity in this card. Your daugher is so darling. I know that all my third grade girls are so into those nails and they even have the press on toenails too. Sweet!
Kim xXx

Caryl P said...

I guess I'm adding those rubons to my wish list! Beautiful card, though I couldn't find any mistakes.
Those nails look great, I guess they've improved the glue since I had tried them!

Haley D. said...

You have totally inspired me to open my pack of rub-ons and take the plunge! Hmm, I wonder if they will work on fingernails...

Your DD is precious! Those nails look great. I better not let my girls see this post or else!

Kathi Carlson said...

Another gorgeous card. Those rub-ons are gorgeous, and I need to try 'em.

Love Amy's nails. Love the chocolate on her face, too. What a pretty little girl.

Barb said...

Your card is lovely! You did an awesome job with the rub-on!

And the nails turned out 13 year old loves those 'tacky' nails too!

Carla said...

Very pretty! Love the blue!

Penny said...

Love that card.

Someone gave Gillian some of those one Christmas. Later I found them all over the apartment. Hers did fall off.

Jeanne said...

Gorgeous card, Sarah! I think the blue is perfect myself. *Ü*

I will not be showing my girls the lovely nails on Amy. That's all I need, to find nails in amongst all the Polly Pocket pieces strewn all over the floor. LOL Not to mention the hubby who would get all bent out of shape if they showed up as well.

She looks like such a sweetheart. Chocolately face, lovely nails and all.

Have a great week, Sarah!

Laurel said...

Gorgeous card, I have yet to try my rubons (in fact I wonder where they are! LOL). Love the nails too!

AaronB said...

I too pulled out my glitter rub-ons this weekend-Lets just say that I didn't have as good of luck as you.
Your card is awesome, and you pictures are so clear.

Liz said...

Those are so so cool looking

Sparkplug17 said...

What a lovely card! And cool nails for your daughter!

Debora Quigley said...

I love what you did with the glitter rub ons..I have mine and have been afraid of using have inspired me

Beth aka BR-T said...

These rub-ons are stunning! I agree patience is a virtue with these. Your daughter chocolate and all is a real beauty Sarah. Beth

Meredith said...

Oh my goodness I missed so many of your posts this week! I love this card--haven't tried those glitter rubons, but I do want to!

I love your daughter's nails! Delaney would go nuts for them!

Christina said...

I totally get what you mean, I got the glittery rub-ons and was like "how in the heck do I use those things?" and had to practice on a scratch paper! Your snowflake turned out awesome!!

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