Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Simple Flower Card…



This card is (I think) 8x 3 1/2 inches. I love these long cards. Once again I got out my brass stencils and embossed the same flower image in 3 different colored cardstocks, then lightly sanded them. The stems are embroidery floss, and the ribbon was added to cover up the area where the Swiss dots folder overlapped and the dots are smooshed.  If I hadn’t added the blue flower I could have used it for KJ’s color chef challenge.

Supplies: White Daisy, Tulip, Sunny Yellow, (can’t remember what blue that is) Cardstock…all CTMH, Embroidery floss Joanne’s, Swiss Dots embossing folder, Sentiment CTMH, Sunny Yellow ink CTMH, ribbon CTMH

Well our Tuesday started off rainy and chilly at 64 degrees! I feel sorry for my DD who is at a swimming/ water sports camp right now. Ya think I would have been safe signing her up for that kind of camp in mid/late July! I think our max temp for the next couple of days is supposed to be 84. Ok I will stop going ON and ON about the weather!

I started tackling home schooling more than one kid today…If we want to take 3 weeks off in Sept/Oct for grandparents visit we need to start now. So with my DD at camp I started working with the other 2. I will be teaching a second grader, a fourth grader and seventh grader…yikes! They really did enjoy it today and realized how quickly we could do the work. They really liked the math program! I think once we figure things out a bit I will be able to let them self direct somewhat. I already notice what an improvement of attitude they have as they have been out of school for 6 weeks. I know this is not everyone’s cup of tea…but it is what I feel we need to do. Wish me luck!

I hope you are all having a wonderful Tuesday!



Leslie said...

really neato card. How do you use stencils? I got several brass stencils at a yard sale, but have no idea what to do with them. I wish you the best with your home schooling. I know several people who do. I never had the luxury, I have had to work since we moved to Florida about 10 years ago. My one friend has 7 children: Jason, Jeffrey, John, Jennifer, Juliana, Jack and Jane whom she homeschools. Jason is now in college.

Jenn Embry said...

beautiful card!

Alanna said...

Gorgeous card Sarah. I love all the elements to it.

Best of luck on the home schooling. I admire people who can do that as it probably isn't something I could do. I don't think I have the patience.

Haley D. said...

Very cute card!!! Good luck on the home schooling. Even though I'm a teacher, I don't know if I could home school. I'm not sure I'd be that disciplined @ home! Scrappin' is way more fun.

Marie said...

This card is one of my ALL TIME FAVORITES! I love it!
Homeschooling is such a wonderful adventure! I'll still have two at home this year, though they are doing the K12 (COVA) program. I think homeschooling has been one of the best life investments we've made. I'll be praying for you. There will be days...but persevere my friend!

Unknown said...

Wow - this has to be one of my favorite cards. I'll have to do a little "lifting"! I've always dreamed of home schooling - my sister Marie in CO homeschools and I am amazed at their comprehension compared to those in public schools - they are far more advanced! She is a great support person if you face any struggles (www.isomcre8tions.blogspot.com) - I know she won't mind! She has enough love and support for all of us! Best of luck to you. Your children are truly blessed!

Unknown said...

LOL - I just noticed that my sister posted right about me ... too funny!

Jamie Harder said...

This card is soooo pretty! Simply perfect.

Linda said...

Sarah great card. I love the size and the flower stems. Really a cool idea.
I taught for 10 years. Then stayed home when I had my boys. They started PS but the oldest child was having health problem so I home schooled both of them for four years each. Now I am back teaching first grade at a PS. I will never regret the wonderful time I had teaching my own sons how to read. Enjoy your time it goes so fast. They are 23 and 25 now. One in college and the other just finished school and start a good job making what took me 20 years of teaching. to make.

Kathi Carlson said...

This is the best!! LOVE it! Is that Crystal Blue, maybe? Whatever it is, the colors are great together. So cheerful. A card that makes a person smile.

I love that you home school your kids. Were it not for the job, I'd probably try my hand at home schooling grandchildren.

Anonymous said...

Love your card. The simplicity is just wonderful! I really love how the flowers just pop off the card.

Best of luck with homeschooling your children. I think that would just be a much too daunting task for me to undertake...but would be so rewarding:)

Lisa aka yarnchik said...

This card just made me smile. It's simple yet stunning! Best of luck with homeschooling :~)

Caryl P said...

Beautiful work on this card, I love those long stemmed flowers. Kudos to you for homeschooling...even if it weren't for a break in sept/oct all kids need to keep learning and practicing during the summer!

Meredith said...

These cards are terrific..I'm loving the vellum on the bee card!

It's so funny you can't get enough warm and we are suffering through it here. Two nights ago it was 87 at 7:30pm and I thought it was a cold front. Yet we need rain so bad it's pathetic!

Glad you're back!

Making Creative Memories in Thyme said...

How darling is this little card! I love the flowers.
Kim xXx

Penny said...

this is really nice.

Christina said...

I'm loving the flowers and the the colors just bring me a big smile! :)

Great job on getting a jump on the homeschooling! We just got our 2nd grade curriculum in the mail this week and plan on starting in August. I originally planned to go all summer long so we wouldn't be stressed throughout the year but we've just been so busy! I'm glad to hear the kids seem happy with their school!!!

whoistracy said...

This is awesome!! I love the clean and simple design and the tall and skinny layout. Just a fab card.

Jeanne said...

Oh my, I love, love, LOVE this card! It's simple, and so pretty! GREAT job!

I know you will do a great job homeschooling. I give you big kudos for doing what's right for your family. Even being a teacher in my past life, I don't think I could do a very good job of it with my own kids. LOL

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