Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Twilight Card…

I downloaded a Twilight Font…to make this card…too fun.





So I searched the web for some pics of Twilight…found one, cropped it, and printed it on thick white paper in black and white. Then I got my golden yellow (I think) Copic and just picked out Edwards eye. It is much clearer IRL. I would have cropped out Bella all together but it was too hard LOL. Then I printed the word Twilight on  Colonial White CS in the Twilight Font…which I think is actually Zephyr..but I could be wrong. Lots of matting and a few red sparkles later and it was done. The Heart inside was from the Indie Art Cricut cartridge.

Supplies: ALL CTMH, Holiday Red CS, Black CS, Colonial White CS, Silhouette Creative Basics PP, Red Sparkles. (Copic Marker.)

I hope you are all having a wonderful Tuesday. I have been busy trying to juggle teaching 3 kids LOL. I have learned one thing…you don’t need to simplify anything for a child. I have been teaching  all 3 kids 6-7 grade chemistry…and they LOVE it!!!! My second grader is getting questions right and enjoying herself. She is so happy today as she learned and remembered what molecular  covalent and ionic bonds are!!!  A healthy dose of M and M’s and Marshmallows with toothpicks really helped :-). A second dose of infinite patience also eases things along.

Have a safe evening and thanks as always for your wonderful comments.



Dora said...

love your card...

where did you get the font for free? I have been wanting it but don't want to pay $30 for it

Kathi Carlson said...

Gorgeous card, Sarah! I love what you did with the photo.

I think I'm going to have to get my hands on a copy of "Twilight" for no other reason than to satisfy my curiousity. Why do I think this story won't appeal to me? Too old, maybe?

It sounds like you have some interesting things happening on the home front. I love the fact that a second grader can pick up on 7th grade chemistry.

Sparkplug17 said...

What a cute card. Can you believe I still haven't seen the movie, lol.

Making Creative Memories in Thyme said...

Fabby card. Can you believe I still haven't seen "Twilight"? My Honeybee watched it one Sunday as I was geting ready for church.
Kim xXx

Leslie said...

Oh my gosh that is a beautiful card. Don't know anything about Twilight, but the card is great.

Alanna said...

What a great card Sarah. How fun that all of your kids are learning chemistry.

Meredith said...

OMG! You are a Twilight fan too? Seriously you need to come to Texas--we would have so much fun. Unless you start talking all the molecular biology crap...wait did you say M&Ms and marshmallows...okay I'm in. PS do you want me to email you an idea book?

Christina said...

OH NO YOU DI'NT!! LOL That is AWESOME!!! Can't go wrong with Twilight stuff! :O)

So you're teaching chemistry to your 2nd grader??? Hot dang, you go momma! :) I gotta take it slow because science was not my gifted area in school so I'm going to be learning as we go too! KUDOS and a big HIGH FIVE!!!!!

Dawn said...

Love your card and your photography too!

Cibele Glazer said...

Great card! Your paper choice is right on with the Twilight theme. I actually sat and read through all 4 books over the July 4th weekend. I HAD to know what all the buzz was about. I was pleasantly surprised, as I am an Anne Rice fan.

Haley D. said...

My DD is going to love this card when I show it to her! (I love it too!). I read each of the books ahead of her (just to check) and have to admit that I've become a fan.

You're wearing me out w/that chem lab! School's back in session for me Friday and I need to write some lesson plans. No play time for now...

Jeanne said...

While I am just not a Twilight fan, I CAN appreciate the beauty of the color combo and that font is pretty nice. Well done.

You go Sarah...teaching your kids chemistry! (um...science was not my strongest subject let's just say)! Maybe your 2nd grader is gonna go into medicine like Mommy? I'm totally impressed!

AaronB said...

Nice card, and I am with Kathi on this. I guess I will have to read twilight just so I wont be left out!

Nellie Mae said...

Super cool, I love it!!

Christina said...

I left something for you on my blog even though I know you already got one! :) Couldn't help myself!

Penny said...

Looks like I'm not the only one with too much time on their hands... lol.

Your card is great!!!

Unknown said...

My daughter and niece want to use this card for their computer background!! LOL They keep asking me to come back so they can look at it again ... amazing work Sarah!

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