Sunday, August 16, 2009

Need to Vent….

OK,  I am sorry to let go here, but I am thinking this may be good ‘therapy’. If you read my posts you know that life has dealt my family and I a biggie and that I am trying to hang in there. However there is always the straw that broke the camel’s back and boy have I found that straw!

SOOO if you don’t want to read the whining  leave now.

OK here goes…. As a CTMH consultant we get to buy our fall catalogs a month in advance. Sometimes consultants get more catalogs than they need and will sell their extras to other consultants. I usually buy mine from CTMH but this year I thought I would save myself $8 and buy from a fellow consultant. I chose one who was in my ‘unit’ as I figured that would be a safe bet.  I emailed her that I wanted x # of cattys and she gave me a price. The next day I received a Propay request for the amount. I waited maybe 2 days (as the cattys had not even been shipped from CTMH at that point) then paid the balance with a little note at how excited I was to get them. 1 week went by. 2 weeks went by. I decided to drop said consultant an email asking if she had received payment and when she would be getting her catalogs and when she expected to ship them to me. answer.

So I sent her another one using a different method (remember she had  answered me at this same email addy previously and it is the one listed on the Propay receipt) . My emails were VERY upbeat…nothing negative about them. No answer.

SO I thought, maybe she is out of town…but I saw her posting on our unit Yahoo group loop and on the CTMH BB. Hmmmmm No answer to my email and NO CATALOGS. So I contact my unit director for advice and enlist her help. She gives me a home phone number….I leave a message…very nice and upbeat….NO ANSWER. I am getting a little upset at this time…but there could still be an reason so I take a deep breath. I am so wanting to be unprofessional at this point and BLAST the person in public. ( on the BB or on my unit group loop.) BUT I refrain as I know it is not the right thing to do. My unit manager calls the number for me and leaves a message, she also leaves a message for said consultant  on FB..again very upbeat! NO ANSWER.

I don’t know what to think. I am hoping this is all a big misunderstanding…but my gut is telling me that I am out some few dollars at a time when I need it most AND have NO catalogs to share with my precious few customers! I am sad, pissed off and amazed that someone would knowingly do this! How much time does it take to answer an email???  So maybe the upshot will be the cattys will arrive on my doorstep and that will be that…or maybe I have learned my lesson that not everyone in this world is as honest as you think. I probably should not of posted this…but sometimes venting is good! I have named no names and so no one is damaged…but I still hold out hope that doing the right thing  is the way to go. If you lasted to the end of this…then thanks for listening. You just don’t know how much your words of support, thoughts, and prayers mean to me. I feel like I have a whole bunch of friends out there!!!

I hope I get a lot of crafting done on my get-away…see you all soon.


Sheila Bennett said...

Oh Sarah, I am so sorry that the other consultant is not responding to you at all. That is just not right! Never ceases to amaze me what some people will do. You're right, it takes very little time to answer an email and let you know when you can get your books.

Cibele Glazer said...

Sarah, I think you are going about this right way. There could be a perfectly reasonable explanation but in the meantime can you approach Propay to intervene for a refund since you have not received either the merchandise or a response?

Laurel said...

Sarah, so sorry. This is not right and you have every reason to vent.

AaronB said...

Sorry about that! I hope it all works out!

Krista Ritskes said...

How frustrating! I hope it all works out and that, yes, those catalogues do just show up on your door step, today even!

Leslie said...

Sarah, I can feel your frustration. I am so sorry you are having to go through this with everything else in your life being in upheaval. Let us know how this turns out. We are there for you and you are in my prayers.

Jamie Harder said...

Oh Sarah that is one yucky situation you have found yourself in!! It must be SO frustrating! Have faith that it will work out and I will cross my fingers that you get your books soon!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow, I was getting mad for you just while reading this! So good of you to try and stay positive, but I am right there with you...I find it so hard to believe how some people can be so selfish.

Things will start to turn around for you and your family. I am a firm believer in 'things happen for a reason', and good will come out of everything. Keep your head up :)

Lisa aka yarnchik said...

Aww Sarah that stinks! I do hope it's just a misunderstanding... I got taken on the BB when I first became a consultant trying to do a buy-in. Sadly, some people just are NOT nice. Thqankfully, I was able to get my $$$ back from Propay so file a complaint if this doesn't resolve itself. Keep the faith, friend :)

Anonymous said...

I hope you receive them soon (if not already!) It was nice of you to show so much restraint for so long. I'm not that nice. Grrr...
~ Denise

Penny said...

I'm so sorry this has happened to you. I don't see anything wrong with your post, we all need to vent on occassion, plus I hear it's healthy. I would not have done the healthy thing, I can tell you right now, I have a horrible temper and I most certainly would have posted something nasty on the CTMH boards. I think you must be a strong person to refrain from doing that.

While it's possible she's not checking her email and hasn't gotten the ones you sent, it's highly unlikely that she's not checking her home messages!!! You're right to think that she is avoiding your emails and phone calls, I would say maybe a family emergency but if that were the case she would not be posting to yahoo or facebook.

I know this probably isn't helping. I feel angry for you.

Anyway, I'll stop now. I hope those books show up on your doorstep and I hope whoever she is she feels ashamed enough to stop using all the boards she uses.

Carla said...

I hope this works out for you Sarah!! And I'm sure brighter days are just around the corner :-)

Penny said...

PS I haven't been reading your blog long enough to know what the biggie is that life dealt you but Im gonna try to go backwards in your blog to find out. Whatever it is I hope it's getting better

Caryl P said...

Oh Sarah, I'm feeling for you! It's so sad that some people out there aren't curteous or even have a bit of manners to just get back to you to calm your fears. I agree with trying to go though Propay to see if a refund is possible. Kudos to you for not blasting her sooner and I hope the catalogs arrive soon!

Making Creative Memories in Thyme said...

I agree with everyone else, you are being very professional and I'm just shocked that someone would do such a thing as that. I'm praying for you.
Kim xXx

Nellie Mae said...

Okay, now I am freaking out a little bit....I also ordered catties off the bulletin boards and I haven't gotten mine yet either. She has emailed me back...but I don't really know if I will get them at this point. Ugh.

Unknown said...

I still live in a world where I believe people are good - I am told that I trust too easily. I still have not gotten over the loss of all of my handmade cards. I can feel your frustration and your pain! I will keep you in thoughts and prayers.

Jeanne said...

Oh goodness, Sarah! I'm SO sorry to hear this is happening! I sure hope it's a huge misunderstanding of some sort, but if not, I hope the consultant sees herself in your post and is ashamed of herself enough to do the right thing.

I hope this doesn't keep you from believing in the goodness of most people. That would be the worst. Karma will get her in the end...

Hang in there, my friend and enjoy your time away. You truly deserve it!

Alanna said...

Sarah, I'm sorry that you're going through this right now, and with everything else going on. I hope that there is a good explanation and that your catties arrive soon. If I had any, I'd send you some. I know they're important. Unfortunately, I didn't even get the free one as I went junior a couple of quarters ago.

And you can always come here and vent. I figure getting it off your chest is a good thing.

Christina said...

You have every right to be angry/upset and kudos to you for not calling so-and-so out on their jerkiness! Is there a way to reverse the payment or complain to PP about the person so they are aware that someone is getting transactions and not giving the product. OR even call Corp and see what they can do. It isn't right for this person to get away with accepting payment and not delivering! I hope it works out friend!!

Anonymous said...

Wow! I'm so sorry that one of "our own" is doing this to you. I think Cibele is do have recourse (I think that's the spelling) through Propay. I hope everything works out in the end. *HUGS*

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